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IIPM Class Room PDU Courses are aligned to New PMI® Talent Triangle


1. PMP ® Exam Prep Course - Regular


 Name of the Course     :  Project Management Professional (PMP)
Duration                         :  2 week - ends / 4 Continuous days
 Course Fee                    :  Rs. 15,000/- + 15 % S.Tax

 For Complete Details   http://www.iipmchennai.com/Rpmp.html
Program Overview:
This program covers the Five process group areas across all the knowledge areas of the New Project Management Body of Knowledge 5th Edition (PMBOK® Guide) viz., Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling, Closing. Knowledge learned in this program can lead to Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification from the Project Management Institute. Join the world's most successful companies that have benefited by making their Managers, Engineers, Project Managers proud PMPs.

The 4 days Program includes all knowledge areas of the New Project Management Body of Knowledge 5th Edition (PMBOK® Guide) and practical examples from the field to help you to establish project management practices in your organization. This project management training will challenge your staffs’ thinking, introduce you to new management concepts and provide you with the essential principles necessary for professional / project success.

2. PMP® Exam Prep Course - Guaranteed Pass


 Name of the Course     :  Project Management Professional (PMP)
Duration                         :  2 week - ends / 5 Continuous days
 Course Fee                    :  Rs. 26,500/- + 15 % S.Tax

 For Complete Details   http://www.iipmchennai.com/GPpmp.html

 Program Overview:
This program covers the Five process group areas across all the knowledge areas of the New Project Management Body of Knowledge 5th Edition (PMBOK® Guide) viz., Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling, Closing. Knowledge learned in this program can lead to Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification from the Project Management Institute. Join the world's most successful companies that have benefited by making their Managers, Engineers, Project Managers proud PMPs.

This 5 days Program includes all knowledge areas of the New Project Management Body of Knowledge 5th Edition (PMBOK® Guide) and practical examples from the field to help you to establish project management practices in your organization. This project management training will challenge your staffs’ thinking, introduce you to new management concepts and provide you with the essential principles necessary for professional / project success.

3. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Workshop


 Name of the Course    : Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Workshop
 PDUs Awarded             :

 For Complete Details  http://www.iipmchennai.com/sixsigma.html
 Course Fee                   :

     * Lean Green Belt Certificate Only - Special offer fee Rs. 15,000 + 15 % service tax only (for general  
     * Lean Green Belt Certificate + 40 PDUs Certificate - Rs. 19,000 + 15 % service tax only (optional item for PMPs  

 Program Overview:
Six Sigma is a rigorous and disciplined methodology that uses data and statistical analysis to measure and improve a company's operational performance by identifying and eliminating "defects" in manufacturing and service-related processes. Commonly defined as 3.4 defects per million opportunities. Six Sigma can be defined and understood at three distinct levels: metric, methodology and philosophy. Six Sigma is a customer focused, data driven methodology for achieving real break through success in business. Six Sigma is a comprehensive and flexible system and can be applied to reduce defects, improve designs and process efficiencies.


Six Sigma can cut waste and save money. Consider how much money could be saved by eliminating potential defects and the resulting scrap and warranty returns. Time and money may be wasted in corrective actions and delays. Also consider the image those results from product failures for the customer. In order to determine the waste, you need to understand what adds value to your product and what does not. One way to know how good you are doing is to compare your operation to similar ones elsewhere, as a benchmark. If there are similar operations in your organization, then bench marking will be easier.

4. Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification


 Name of the Course  :  Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Workshop
 PDUs Awarded            :
40 PDUs

 For Complete Details http://www.iipmchennai.com/sixsigmaBB.html
 Course Fee                 

     * Lean Black  Belt Certificate Only - Special offer fee Rs. 15,000 + 15% service tax only (for general 
     * Lean Black Belt Certificate + 40 PDUs Certificate - Rs. 27,000 + 15% service tax only (optional item for PMPs

 Program Overview: 


Six Sigma is a rigorous and disciplined methodology that uses data and statistical analysis to measure and improve a company's operational performance by identifying and eliminating "defects" in manufacturing and service-related processes. Commonly defined as 3.4 defects per million opportunities. Six Sigma can be defined and understood at three distinct levels: metric, methodology and philosophy. Six Sigma is a customer focused, data driven methodology for achieving real break through success in business. Six Sigma is a comprehensive and flexible system and can be applied to reduce defects, improve designs and process efficiencies.


Six Sigma can cut waste and save money. Consider how much money could be saved by eliminating potential defects and the resulting scrap and warranty returns. Time and money may be wasted in corrective actions and delays. Also consider the image those results from product failures for the customer. In order to determine the waste, you need to understand what adds value to your product and what does not. One way to know how good you are doing is to compare your operation to similar ones elsewhere, as a benchmark. If there are similar operations in your organization, then bench marking will be easier.

5. MS Project 2010 Professional Level


 Name of the Course  :  MS Project 2010 Professional Level
 PDUs Awarded            : 20 PDUs

For Complete Details http://www.iipmchennai.com/msp2010.html
 Course Fee                 

       * Rs. 12,000 + 15 % Service Tax without Laptop for both days. In this option, the participant has to bring 
          Laptop pre-loaded with MS Project 2010 and above.

       * Rs. 15,000 + 15 % Service Tax with Laptop provided by IIPM for both days with MS Project 2010 pre-

 Program Overview:
This MS Project 2010 course is a  PMI® approved instructor led Customized course covering the essential/Important topics from the BASIC AND INTERMEDIATE LEVELS. Laptop will be supplied to each candidates with MS Project 2010 pre-loaded. Its an Hands-on practical course. 


6. ITIL® V3 - 2011 Foundation Course


 Name of the Course    : Information Technology Infrastructure Library

 Course Fee                   :  Rs. 9,000/- + 15% S.Tax

PDUs Awarded              :  15 PDUs

 For Complete Details   http://www.iipmchennai.com/ITIL.html


 Program Overview:
® (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is a set of best practices standards for Information Technology (IT) service management and is registered trademark of Office of Government Commerce of UK. ITIL® serves as a guide to provide information technology services in the standard way. Important IT practices, and tasks, checklists and procedures given by Information Technology Infrastructure Library can be tailored according to the needs of any IT organization.


This ITIL® Foundation Certification course focuses on providing knowledge and comprehension of the key concepts, structure, terminology and processes of ITIL®. You are taught the importance of a systematic approach to management by means of a presentation. The ITIL® management model provides you insight into the coherence of identified processes.

7. PMI-ACP® Exam Prep Course


 Name of the Course     :  PMI-ACP® Exam Prep Course
Duration                         :  3 Continuous days

 PDUs Awarded              :  40 PDUs

 Course Fee                    :  Rs. 15,000/- + 15% S.Tax

 For Complete Details   http://www.iipmchennai.com/ACP.html

Program Overview:
This 3 days Program includes Introduction to AGILE methodologies, Implementation, Project life cycle, AGILE tools & techniques, AGILE knowledge and skills and practical examples from the field to help you to establish AGILE project management practices in your organization. This AGILE project management training will challenge your staffs’ thinking, introduce you to new management concepts and provide you with the essential principles necessary for professional / project success.


8. Certified Business Analytics Manager (CBAM®)


 Name of the Course     :  Certified Business Analytics Manager(CBAM®)

 Duration                         :  2 week - ends

 Course Fee                    :  Rs. 27,000/- + 15% S.Tax

 For Complete Details   http://www.iipmchennai.com/cbam.html

Program Overview:

Business Analytics (BA) is the study of data through statistical and operations analysis to solve day-to-day Business Problems by the formation of predictive models, application of optimization techniques and communication of these results to customers, business partners and senior executives. It is the practice of iterative, methodical exploration of an organization’s data with emphasis on statistical analysis to solve Business Problems in a fact-based data driven environment. Business analytics is used by top companies as well as Small Medium Enterprise (SME)committed to data-driven decision making for effective decisions.      

9. Certified Minitab® Professional (CMP) Hands-on Workshop


 Name of the Course     :  Certified Minitab® Professional (CMP) Hands-on Work Shop

 Duration                         :  2 week - ends

 Course Fee                    :  Rs. 27,000/- + 15% S.Tax

 For Complete Details   http://www.iipmchennai.com/minitab.html

Program Overview:
Minitab® is the industry-standard and leading statistical software package for statistical/six sigma applications. It is powerful enough to be used as a primary tool for analyzing research data/six sigma data. Minitab® is an integrated tool for managing Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing projects that allows Minitab® 15 data to be combined with project management and governance tools and documents to improve/optimize process performance.


This course is designed for both newcomers to Minitab® and users who desire a classroom setting to learn how to get the most out of Minitab's data and statistical tools. It focuses on the fundamentals of statistics and how Minitab® makes interpreting and analyzing your data an easier process. This workshop stream will address more statistical analysis, incorporating Minitab®, and demonstrate how you can improve your higher level data processing in quality improvement projects. It is suited to new users of Minitab® Statistical Software or those who have not attended any of the Minitab® training courses. It is suited to those who are established Minitab® users who would like to further advance their knowledge.    


10. Certified Construction Project Manager (CCPM®)


 Name of the Course     :  Certified Construction Project Manager (CCPM®)

 Duration                         :  2 week - ends

 Course Fee                    :  Rs. 27,000/- + 15% S.Tax

 For Complete Details   http://www.iipmchennai.com/CCPM.html

Program Overview:

Manage your Construction Projects using Modern International Project Management principles, processes, tools and techniques from International PM Experts and ensure that your project is planned, managed and executed well “On Time and Within Budget”.

Many Construction Projects exceed time and cost budgets due to poor Project Management. The solution is in becoming a Certified Construction Project Manager (CCPM®) aligned to
PMBOK® Guide 5th Edition and "Construction Extension" to the PMBOK® Guide.

11. PMI - RMP® Combo-Offer (2 Days Class Room + 3 Months Online Access)


 Name of the Course    :  PMI- RMP® Combo-Offer (2 Days Class Room + 3 Months Online Access)

 Duration                         :  2 week - ends / 2 Continuous days

 PDUs Awarded              :  40 PDUs

 Course Fee                    :  Rs. 30,000/- + 15% S.Tax

 For Complete Details   http://www.iipmchennai.com/PMIRMP.html

Program Overview:
To qualify for the PMI-RMP® examination, applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or global equivalent, three to five years of professional work experience, with 3,000 hours of experience in project risk management, along with 30 contact hours of formal education in Project Risk Management.

To maintain the credential, project risk management professionals will need to acquire 30 Professional Development Units (PDUs) per 3-year cycle in the specialty area of project risk management.

12. PMI - SP® Combo-Offer (2 Days Class Room + 3 Months Online Access)


 Name of the Course     :  PMI- SP® Combo-Offer (2 Days Class Room + 3 Months Online Access)

 Duration                         :  2 week - ends / 2 Continuous days

 Course Fee                    :  Rs. 22,500/- + 15% S.Tax

 For Complete Details   http://www.iipmchennai.com/PMI-SP.html

Program Overview:

The PMI-SP® Role Delineation states that candidates for the credential:

  • Can create and maintain the project schedule

  • Be able to analyze the project schedule

  • Should be able to report and communicate the schedule to the project team

To be eligible for the PMI-SP® credential, you must meet certain educational  and professional experience requirements. All project management experience must have been accrued within the last five consecutive years prior to your application submission.   

13. Applied IT Project Management based on PMBOK® Guide - (5 Days Workshop)


 Name of the Course    :  Applied IT Project Management based on PMBOK® Guide - (5 Days Workshop)

 Duration                         :  5 Continuous days

 PDUs Awarded              :  60 PDUs

 Course Fee                    :  Rs. 27,000/- + 15% S.Tax

 For Complete Details   http://www.iipmchennai.com/APMNew.html

Program Overview:

This 5 days workshop delivered by eminent and well experienced IT professionals (PMP® certified faculties), will focus on providing application oriented training towards establishing the project management practices in an organization. (No exam related issues/questions would be discussed, as it is purely an application oriented course based on case studies and tools & templates). The participants will gain a thorough insight on the PM concepts and get equipped with the required skills and techniques necessary for executing the project cycle end-to-end successfully.

A run-through case study for all the 5 days from an IT / Software Project, will be taken up for demonstrating application of PMI® tools & techniques. At the end of the course, the participants would have learnt how to apply some of the major tools & techniques as per PMBOK® Guide to create organization process assets and go with a CD containing many useful templates & management plans along with 35 PDUs to renew PMP® and PMI credentials.

14. Certified TRAIN The TRAINER(TTT®)


 Name of the Course    :   Certified TRAIN The TRAINER (TTT®)

 Duration                         :  2 week - ends / 2 Continuous days

 Course Fee                    :  Rs. 7,500/- + 15 % S.Tax

 For Complete Details   http://www.iipmchennai.com/trainthetrainer.html

Program Overview:

Training departments are beginning to realize that people DO NOT learn effectively by passively consuming information. It is a waste of training dollars and yields low return on investment.

Most training programs are done passively in a teacher-student format and done perfunctorily. Many corporate internal training departments do realize the need for well trained trainers to impart / transfer knowledge.

Participants typically retain 5%-30% of information in average training programs. We show you how to increase retention up to 90% and for a longer period of time.

Our “TRAIN The TRAINER” program helps beginner and practicing trainers develop their own individual styles of training, while equipping them with the skills that are necessary to create interactive, experiential and effective learning environments in the class room. This program is useful for employees whose responsibilities include training and education of other staff as well as those who are interested in entering the challenging profession of training and facilitation.  

The PMI Registered Education Provider logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
 PMP, CAPM, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP, PMI-ACP, PMBOK are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
 All trade marks / copyrights of other companies are respected and are properties of those companies.
 For more details contact : marketing@iipmchennai.com
 All Rights Reserved © International Institute Of Project Management (IIPM)- Chennai