A couple of years after his return from US/Middle East, he visited his native village in the year 2006 and was astonished to see the school where he studied still in high school grade did not have XII std even after 30 yrs. He plunged immediately into action by gathering the village chiefs, old students and PTA office- bearers and brainstormed ideas for upgrading to XIIth std. It was informed that non- availability of a separate dedicated play ground was the main reason for the government not enhancing the school status and it was informed that it would cost about Rs. 2,00,000 to purchase 2-acres of land for a play ground for the school and there was no fund available for purchasing the land. Knowing this, Mr. Ari donated up to Rs. 1,00,000 (US$ 2500) in stages to partly finance the purchase of the necessary 2-acre land for the school play ground. His vision of making his High school into a Higher Secondary school to avoid hundreds of young students going to the near-by town (Karur) commuting nearly 16 km (Up & Down) daily to attend Higher Secondary education came to reality on 16th June’08 after a long wait of nearly 25-years. It is indeed a moment of great joy and pride for socially and professionally responsible executives of this society. The Tamilnadu Government issued the necessary Orders to upgrade the existing High School (up to Xth std) to Higher Secondary School (up to XIIth std) on 16th June 2008,he also delivered prizes to the First Three rank Holders for the last 3 years. A 30-year need of surrounding villages (about 15 villages) and about 15,000 families has been fulfilled in just 3-years of action. Our CEO was invited as Special Chief Guest at Government Higher Secondary School in Aranganathan Pettai, Karur held on 2nd June 2015. At the GOLD COIN award function for Arenganathan Pettai School Children, near Karur, that scored 100% PASS three consecutive times ( Hat trick ) in +2 and KARUR DISTRICT FIRST in 10th std ( 495 /500) , all by Girls. He was invited to address the students and felicitate the toppers from 10th & 12th. He awarded a Gold Coin to Ms.Punitha who scored district first in 10th std . Gifts were distributed to the student. In his speech, he told that who ranked first, second & third he was happy that the school had secured 100% pass in 12th for the third time and congratulated the students and teachers for the success. He said that the hard work of the teachers and students had reaped rich dividends.
Finally, this year(2018) as a part of fulfilling his promise to students as the school had secured double hatrick in 10th & 12th Std, he has awarded “AIR TRAVEL TICKETS TO CHENNAI”- to the toppers of School, teachers & parents. His gesture was appreciated and welcomed by all.