Invitation for PMO Conference
IIPM is happy to announce the Annual Professional Development Day,
celebration of International Project Management Day and IIPM Alumni
Annual Dinner meet on Sunday, the 9th December,2007. It'll be a great
networking event for all PMs and PMPs and a fantastic opportunity to
learn new trends on PMO concepts and earn 7 PDUs too and knowing
what's happening at PMI, new developments etc.
Conference Theme :
Brainstorming of PMBOK® Guide: PMO in IT Industry: The relevance &
PDUs Awarded :
7 PDUs (See
PMI Approval)
Approval Code :
IIPM05 - Brainstorming of New PMBOK®2004
: Hotel Quality Inn Sabari, T.Nagar
There will be presentations by invited speakers, industry SMEs,
Practicing professionals and Consultants followed by a live Panel
discussion. The topics suggested are as below:
PMO - Implementation Experiences.
PMO – Lessons learned- Case Study
PMO – Roles and Responsibilities
PMO - Which Organizational Structure is best suited?
In the afternoon, there will be Panel discussion for about 2
Hours on "PMO in IT Industry: The Relevance &
There will be 5 panel members and 1 panel moderator. Out 5 Panelists, 2
are reserved for women candidates. Each panelist will be given 5
minute time to present their views and then engage in group discussion
debating the main topic of discussion and throw their valuable
insights and personal experiences for the benefit of participants.
Conference attendees can pose all their doubts and questions to
the Panelists for their expert views or clarifications. Moderator will
finally summarize the thoughts of leaders and draw (or not draw) some
conclusions out of the discussion. The findings will be later posted
in our website and in the yahoo group for the benefit of all members.
All participants will EARN 7 PDUs.
Lunch and Refreshment will be provided for registered participants.
DINNER for IIPM ALUMNI in the evening -starting at 6:00pm - 8.00 pm
immediately after the conference is over sponsored by:
International Dream Merchants (IDM).
Venue & Time:
Hotel Quality Inn Sabari
No.29, Thirumalai Pillai Road,
T. Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017
Time: 9:30AM – 08:00 pm
Conference fee:
The conference fee will be Rs.950 for IIPM patrons & PMI
Chennai Chapter members.
The conference fee will be Rs.1200 for
Others. The fee can be paid by cash or cheque or at the venue. You can
register by phone or online or just walk-in for spot registration.
Group discount 10-15% will be given on the above fee for
group size of 3-5 persons.
Call Mr Siva +91 9884433487 or
Ms Kalaivani at + 91 44-24359078 / 42071124 / 42641401 or write to to
block your seats.
Other Attractions:
1. The trailer of the commercial Digital Film "The Perfect Knot",
produced by International Dream Merchants (IDM) and Project Managed by IIPM
(as per PMBOK Guide methodology) will be screened at the IIPM Alumni
Dinner time.
2. Special appreciation award to all those IIPM PMPs who scored above
75% in the PMP exam.
3. Free Job postings at the conference.
4. Donations drive: Be a change agent of the society. Show that you
care for the society. Please bring, whatever you feel worth (or tell
us by mail or phone, we shall arrange to collect) to the conference
and all donations (clothes, used PCs, furniture, books, educational
CDs, old TVs, etc) to donate to the less-privileged. No cash or cheque or food items will be accepted as donations. We will donate all
the usable items to "AVVAI HOME", a home for the orphans at Adyar,
especially for girl children. Let us take pride in contributing
whatever small way can. It is time we gave back to the society.

Panelist Benefits:
1. Conference registration fee (Worth Rs 950) is FREE.
2. Will be awarded 7 PDUs FREE
3. Appreciation citation and memento to each speaker.
Speaker benefits:
1.Conference registration fee (Worth Rs 950)is FREE.
2.Will be awarded 7 PDUs FREE
3.Appreciation citation and memento to each speaker.