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PMI Announces New Credential for Program Managers

PMI Announces New Credential for Program Managers


      PMI recently announced that we PMI be launching a new credential for individuals who manage programs. As the legal steps for registering the name is still in process, the name for the new credential has not yet been released. You have been identified as a valued stakeholder for this credential and as such, we'd like to provide you with advanced information so you can begin preparing to design and develop training courses. To obtain a copy of the examination specification for the credential for individuals who manage programs please visit the "Newsletters and Other Important Documents" section of the R.E.P. Community Site. To further assist you in developing training materials, in late July, PMI will also post detailed knowledge statements to your community site.

Please feel free to incorporate this verbiage in promotional materials for your training courses:

  1. The credential for program managers will provide a market-recognized professional credential from the world's largest project management organization through which candidates can demonstrate their competence as a program manager. Candidates' competence will be evaluated through a variety of assessments.

  • The initial assessment of competence occurs through the application process. Prior to a candidate becoming eligible to pursue this credential they will be evaluated through an extensive application process including reviews of education by PMI staff and a review of their professional work experience by a panel of program managers.

  • The second level of competence assessment occurs with the multiple-choice examination in which candidates will be called upon to demonstrate their ability to apply their knowledge to a variety of situational or scenario-based questions.

  • The third competence assessment occurs through a multi-rater assessment in which a team of raters that the candidate selects will be evaluating their competence in a work environment to perform germane tasks of a program manager as defined through the examination specification.

  1. This credential can give professionals who manage programs a distinct advantage in accessing new opportunities, or increasing visibility within their organization.

  2. The examination specification identifies the role of individuals managing programs as follows:

  • Under minimal supervision, program managers are responsible and accountable for the coordinated management of multiple related projects directed toward strategic business and other organizational objectives. These programs contain complex activities that may span functions, organizations, geographic regions, and cultures. Program managers build
    credibility, establish rapport, and maintain communication with stakeholders at multiple levels, including those external to the organization.

  • Program managers define and initiate projects, and assign Project Managers to manage cost, schedule, and performance of component projects, while working to ensure the ultimate success and acceptance of the program. Program managers maintain continuous alignment of program scope with strategic business objectives, and make recommendations to modify the program to enhance effectiveness toward the business results or strategic intent. Program managers are responsible for determining and coordinating the sharing of resources among their constituent projects to the overall benefit of the program.

  • Program managers possess the knowledge and skills needed to be effective in both the project and business or government environments, and to make decisions that accomplish strategic objectives. In addition, the program manager should have advanced skills in finance, cross-cultural awareness, leadership, communication, influence, negotiation, and conflict resolution.

For more information please contact iipmchennai@eth.net



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