PMI-RMP®  Exam Prep Course : Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions About PMI-RMP® Online Study
Q: How many hours should I study online to earn the 30 PDUs?

A: According to the Online Study Tracking System (OSTS), One Hour of Online Study = 1 PDU. Therefore, it requires 30 hours of study to earn 30 PDUs.

Q : How can I know my total hours of study?

A : Click the Access Details option from the list of links shown on the left-side of your browser window. It will display you in detail the total hours you have spent in online study.

Q : Should I pass any test to get my certificate after completing the 30 hours study?

A : NO. 30 hours of online study + completion of case study/exercises are sufficient.

However, submission of exercises is needed before issuing the PDU Certificate.

Q : Sometimes, my study sessions are not counted towards the total hours of study. What could be the reason?

A : The OSTS requires that you should properly logout from the study area after completing your study session. Proper logout requires you to click on the Logout option from the list of links shown on the left-side of your browser window. Never close the windows without proper logout, to end the sessions.

Q: What is the meaning of 24X7 access? What is the maximum in accessible time expected in a 24X7 service?

A: Normally, in any online study with international accessibility for 3 calendar months and considering various uncontrollable factors (like ISP/local server/shared server/local ISP/migration to higher platform, etc.) which are NOT in the hands of service provider (i.e IIPM), if the inaccessible time is less than 2 continuous days (48-hrs), it is generally acceptable.

Please contact only in case of 48-hrs of continuous non availability of access to online resources which may be due to problems at ISP/local server/shared server/local ISP/migration to higher platform.

However, any continuous inaccessibility period more than 48-hrs will be compensated with equivalent days of extension period in the access time.

Q: What should I do if my computer goes slow or logs out with an error message?

A: “DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE THE SCREEN SHOT OF THE ERROR MESSAGE” enable us to forward to our web hosting agent. Please e-mail the error message screenshot to However, also check your local system, administrator & ISP.

Q : Sometimes, I am logged out of my study session automatically. What could be the reason?

A : For security reasons, the Default Session End Time is set at 30 minutes of inactivity. You are supposed to view a new page / refresh the current page, at least once in 30 minutes. Continuous inactivity for 30 minutes will end with an automatic end of session and the TIME SPENT WILL NOT BE COUNTED TOWARDS STUDY HOURS.

Q : How will I receive my certificate after successful completion of Online Study?

A : After successful completion, your PDU certificate will be scanned and emailed to your e-mail address for your records. If you want the original certificate to be couriered to your overseas address, please add US$ 25 extra. However, the certificate can be couriered “free of cost” within India

Q : Can I do the Exercises/Case Study given at the end of the chapter offline?

A : No, while doing Exercises you need to be logged in.

Q : Do the Exercises/Case Study count towards the overall study time?

A : Yes, the study hours spent towards doing exercises are also counted towards the overall study time and we generally consider/award, on an average, 1.5- 2.0 hours of study time ( i.e. 1.5 - 2.0 PDUs) per each solved exercise.

Q : How to submit the solution to exercises for question from outside the course material?

A : Please refer to some books or simply search in google or wikipedia for the exercises topic given, study the material, understand and then gather info about its usefulness and submit as an exercise.

Q : Who should I contact incase I have doubts/clarifications in the online study program?

A : All doubts/clarifications may please be sent only to You will get a reply by e-mail in
5-7 business days.

   You can also contact our faculty / admin staff by telephone for quick queries at:

    Off: +91 - 44 - 2435 9078 / 4207 1124 / 4264 1401 (or)
    Mob: + 91 9841715490 or + 91 9884015136.

Q : If I have completed about 30 hrs of online reading, will I qualify for this certificate?

A : Yes. You can have your cert immediately after you study for 30 hours. Please send the Solutions to the Exercises and FEED BACK about your learning experience, improvements suggested, course structure, online support etc as part of the online education certification course completion to help us serve you better.

Q :  What are the eligibility requirements for potential PMI-RMP® candidates?

:  Specific eligibility is as follows:
• With a bachelor’s degree or global equivalent have:
• 30 contact hours of formal project risk management education
• Within the past five years, a minimum of 3,000 hours of experience in project risk management
• With a high school diploma or global equivalent have:
• 40 contact hours of formal project risk education
• Within the past five years, a minimum of 4,500 hours of experience in project risk management

Q : Who should apply for the PMI-RMP® credential?

A :
Individuals who spend a majority of their time managing project risk for a project management plan should consider applying for this specialty credential.

Q : Is there a new credential in project risk management?

A :
PMI is offering a new credential for those that practice project management in the risk specialty area: PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP

Q : Will this new credential dilute the PMP® credential?

A :
No, PMI’s credentials reflect different roles, and therefore, different candidates. Please visit the Our Credentials section of our Web site for additional clarification on the differences among PMI’s credentials.

Q : What is the fee for PMI-RMP
® credential examination?

® credential examination fee for PMI Members is US$520.00 / EURO430.00. The fee for non-PMI members is US$670.00 / EURO 555.00.

Q : Do I have to be a PMI Member to pursue the PMI-RMP

A :
No. Candidates do not have to be a PMI member. However, since different fee structures apply for members and non-members, it is beneficial to become a member.

Q : Why should I pursue the PMI-RMP
®  credential?

A :
Project risk management practitioners provide expertise in the specialized area of assessing and identifying project risks along with plans to mitigate threats and capitalize on opportunities. Project risk management professionals should be recognized for their knowledge, skills and experience in this specialized area of project risk management.

Q : Is there a pre-requisite credential (e.g., CAPM or PMP) I must attain first before applying for the PMI-RMP
® ?

A : No. The PMI-RMP
® is a stand-alone credential offered as part of PMI’s family of credentials.

Q : If I already have another credential from PMI, can I still pursue the PMI-RMP

A : Yes. The PMI-RMP
® is a stand-alone credential. The family of credentials PMI® is offering — CAPM®, PMP®, PgMP®, PMI-RMP®, PMI-SP® — are all independent of one another. If a candidate chooses to obtain multiple credentials from PMI Family of Credentials, the candidate must ensure that he or she meets the requirements of each credential.

Q : What’s involved in getting the credential?

A :
Candidates must successfully complete the following:

• The initial evaluation occurs through an application review (including education and experience requirements). The application will be reviewed and approved or denied within five days of receipt. PMI may select any application for audit to verify any aspect of the application (payment is submitted with the application and required prior to audit). Approval of the application, along with receipt of payment, will allow the candidate to pursue the next step to take the multiple-choice evaluation examination.
• Payment must be submitted with the application and received by PMI
• The multiple-choice examination is the second evaluation. During the examination, candidates will be called upon to demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge to a variety of situational or scenario-based questions.
• Upon passing the examination evaluation, candidates will earn the PMI-RMP

Q : How can I apply for the PMI-RMP®?

A :
The application is available online. You also have the option to download the application, fill it out and send it to PMI via postal mail. Please note: Any missing information will result in a delay in processing.

Q : What supporting documentation should I send with my application?

A :
When submitting an application, you do not need to send any documentation. However, PMI does use a random audit process to verify candidate applications. If your application is selected for an audit, you will receive notification via e-mail as well as a letter via postal mail with the instructions and forms needed to complete this requirement.

Q : What happens after I pass the exam?

A :
After you pass the exam, you may immediately use the credential after your name (for example, John Doe,
PMI-RMP®). Your name will also appear in the PMI Online Registry. Credential holders will receive a package of information with a certificate, letter and credential holder card in the mail. Please note: It usually takes about 6-8 weeks to receive your credential package from PMI®.

Q : Where will the examination be given?

A :
PMI-RMP® examination will be offered globally at Prometric Testing Centers that offer other PMI examinations. Candidates can schedule the examination upon receiving the eligibility notification and having submitted the examination fee. Refer to the Prometric website for more information, including scheduling. (

Q : What happens if my eligibility expires and I have not taken the exam?

A :
Candidate applications are valid for one year from the date of application approval. If a candidate allows his or her eligibility to lapse, he or she must re-apply.

Q : If I fail the exam, can I take it again? If so, when can I take it? How many times can I take the exam?

A :
Yes. After successful processing of the application, candidates are granted a one-year eligibility window. Candidates will have a maximum of three attempts to receive a passing score on the PMI-RMP
®  examination within the one-year eligibility period. After the third unsuccessful attempt, candidates will have to wait one year before re-applying for the credential and retaking the examination. Candidates must submit a re-examination form before each attempt along with the re-examination fee.

Q : What must I know to complete the multiple-choice examination?

A :
The examination is administered globally, via computer-based testing. In areas of the world where computer-based testing is not available, paper based testing will be made available. Applicants who pass the application review are eligible to take the multiple-choice examination. The eligibility for the examination period is one year. The examination consists of 170 multiple choice questions. Candidates will be given three-and-a-half hours to complete the examination. While candidates need to answer all 170 questions, scoring will be based on 150 questions only; 20 undisclosed pre-test (un-scored) questions will be dispersed randomly throughout the examination. During the eligibility period, the candidate may take the multiple-choice examination up to three times. Candidates should gauge their time carefully to leave enough time during the eligibility period to retake the examination, if needed. PMI will collect examination retake fees for candidates making second or third attempts to pass the examination.

Q : How should I study for the multiple-choice examinations?

A :
To prepare for the examination, PMI suggests
• Review the PMI-RMP
® Handbook
• Review the PMI-RMP
®  Examination Specification
• Review A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK
® Guide) – Third Edition
If you have not completed a course containing Project Risk Management concepts, PMI recommends you do so.
Educational programs are offered through a variety of providers including:
• PMI component organizations (chapters, SIGs, colleges)
• PMI Registered Education Providers (R.E.P.s)
• University and college academic and continuing education programs
• Training companies or consultants
• Employer or company sponsored-programs
• Distance learning providers
• Study groups (e.g. local chapter study groups)

Q : Will the examination be available in translations?

A :
Not immediately. Translations will be considered at a future date.

Q : What is the Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program?

A :
In order to satisfy CCR program requirements and maintain an active credential holder status, individuals who have attained the
PMI-RMP® credential must accrue and report a minimum of 30 professional development units (PDUs) during each three-year CCR cycle. The credential holder needs to complete an Application for Certification Renewal, remit payment of the renewal fee, and reaffirm the appropriate Code of Professional Conduct. For more information on the CCR program and how to report PDUs, please refer to the CCR Handbook.

Q: What are the Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) for this credential?

PMI-RMP® credential holders are required to attain no less than 30 professional development units (PDUs) during each three-year renewal cycle. Please Note The Following:
• The 30 PDUs in project risk management can also be counted towards the maintenance of the PMP
® or PgMP® credential(s)
• If a project risk management practitioner is taking general project management classes, only the hours that pertain to project risk management can be applied towards the
PMI-RMP® credential.

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